A Brief Essay on Religion & the Recent Abortion Rights Ruling
Sometimes I wonder if people really understand why I keep going after organized religion. Today should be as solid an example as you could reasonably expect right now.
Today, we're talking about how abortion is now illegal is at least half the United States. By this time next year, there may well be talk of a Supreme Court case overrulling LGBTQ+ marriage rights, and after that, I honestly wouldn't be shocked if they try to strike down the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (They already did as much with the Voting Rights Act of '65.)
This is JUST the future that evangelical Christians want for us, but to those who identify as Christian who want to question me, let me ask you these questions: How would you react if a Jewish government tried to outlaw pork products or mandate circumcision? Or what if a Muslim government demanded that women wear burkas in public or made "adultary" punishable by death? Or what if...*drumroll*...an atheist government wanted to outlaw all three of those religions and all the barbaric ideas associated with them? I'm sure we can all imagine the outrage.
When organized religion enters politics, even a small amount can start a slippery slope that doesn't end well for ANYBODY. The founding fathers claimed to believe in free expression, but since the beginning, this country's "leaders" have been more than happy to use religion to justify explicitly fascistic concepts such as slavery and eugenics, so should we really be shocked that in 2022, the concept of separation of church and state is treated by so-called "justices" as if it doesn't even exist?
I don't really know how to end this, so I'll just end this message by reminding any non-New Yorkers who follow me here that abortion is still legal here in NYC. Do what you will with that information.